A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's that time of year

I figured it's about time that I write a proper message about what is going on in my life. To be quite honest, not too much. Since Jenn left, I have been living a lonely existence in my empty basement suite. It's my first time living alone, so it's a bit of a change. Definitely quieter. Not that Jenn was loud, by any stretch of the imagination. But now I don't have anyone to talk to in the evenings. So, I have been spending time at school and hanging out with people from school. The past couple of weekends we have gotten together for marathon-long shenanigans. All good times. I don't know that I can really keep up with these people in terms of how much they can drink, and I will make no attempts to even come close. But, if I don't drink too much and they drink their Revs and Jager bombs then we have about the same energy level. It all balances out.

Last night the rest of the co-op students and I went to present at the American Industrial Hygiene Association BC/Yukon Local section meeting. The turnout was small (only about 15 people) but it was good to see some familiar faces of some former SOEH graduates in the audience. Who knows, these people may be our future employers some day! After the presentations, we had some beers with some of the recent graduates and caught up on their lives. From the sounds of things, the job pickings may be rather slim in BC when we graduate. And as I don't really care if I stay in BC or not, perhaps I will leave the Vancouver jobs for Graham and Sylvio and try my luck in Ontario, which seems to have a much larger pool of jobs available. Who knows though, graduation seems so far away right now.

I am starting to get excited about Christmas. The Christmas lights are starting to go up in my neighbourhood, and I even saw a Christmas tree in someone's living room the other day! If anyone is keeping track, I will be in Ontario from Dec 19th to Jan 8th. My flights were pretty cheap, as I am travelling outside of the peak periods. Yay for Westjet seat sales! With my new Air Miles credit card, I am also racking up quite a few points...I should get a free breadmaker in a couple of months!

For the next couple of weeks though, I will be keeping pretty busy. I'm hoping to be very productive this weekend...starting...now!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Beauty and the beast

Beauty and the beast
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
For Halloween our department had a beer can costume contest. The costumes were judged on stability (on the table), transferability (to another can), creativity, style and drinkability. This is a picture of Graham and I with our cans. More photos can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dangerouspenguin/sets/1236786/

With Schmalz

With Schmalz
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
Jenn and I in the kitchen on her last day! If we look like giants, it's because we have an abnormally short fridge. Well, maybe Jenn just looks like a giant...