A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bags are packed...

Well, as the title of this post indicates, I'm just about ready to fly home for the holidays. Looking forward to going to a place where I don't need to apologize for being from Ontario! I expect that this post will not be very long, as I need to be up at 4:45 am tomorrow to catch my flight.

I had an exam on Tuesday night, and since then, the week has been quite relaxing. Sleeping in, yoga, working out, Christmas shopping and finishing off half a dozen eggs. Thursday I went on an adventure to Vancouver's North Shore, which included a ride on the Seabus across the Burrard Inlet and a gander around the Lonsdale Quay. The Lonsdale Quay is reminiscent of Toronto's St Lawrence Market or Winnipeg's Forks Market. I had curry soup from the Soup Meister and bought some fancy tea from the Blue Teapot. And drooled over all the food that I couldn't buy because I was leaving in 4 days...I also got my hair cut. (Actually, I got them ALL cut.) Not a big change...just shorter. Last night, Jesse and I tried to get out to Stanley Park to look at the Christmas lights, but got distracted by Shameless burgers, Canadian back bacon and Caesars, and we didn't make it on time. Today I packed and finished off Melissa's Christmas present. I wanted sushi tonight, but for some reason the 3 sushi restaurants on my block were closed. Devastating...

Anywho, I should wash my dishes and go to bed. I should probably also send out a Christmas card while I have access to email addresses...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Life on higher terrain

We have snow! Not a lot, mind you...but enough to turn Vancouver drivers into idiots and to slow everyone down to 10 km/hr. And there isn't snow everywhere either which is odd. As the temperature is still hovering near the freezing point, altitude starts making a difference in whether the snow will stick or not. Apparently I live on "high terrain" as the snow in our front yard has been there for about a week now. It was especially funny to read on the Environment Canada website: Heavy snowfall warning of 4-8 cm expected. Wusses...Anyway, today is already around 5-6 degrees and the snow seems to be slowly disappearing. Looking forward to going home where we define "cold" more appropriately. You have to laugh when people are complaining about how "cold" it is, when the temperature is 5 degrees and I'm still wearing my fleece jacket.

Okay, so last week was our last week of classes, which last year didn't mean a whole lot in terms of workload reduction. But, this year (thankfully) it does. I finished off my last Business Ethics paper on Monday and handed in a big Ergonomics paper on Wednesday. Not much left to do between now and Christmas. Just working with my group on our hazard assessment at Canfor and studying for my Business Ethics exam.

This week my friend Jenny from Winnipeg is in Vancouver. She has stopped here for a week for her training before she heads off to Kobe, Japan to teach English. Unlike Amy and Randy who went with JET, Jenny has signed up with Geos. Essentially they are the same, but I think Geos has more flexible contracts and you have the opportunity to become a travelling substitute after 6 months. A very attactive (see everything) option. I hope Jenny has as much fun as Amy and Randy did. While she is here, I'm sure there will be lots of fun evenings. Especially as she avoids her comic book-reading fellow Geos-ers...not that there is anything wrong with that...

Nothing else to say really. Dad and Kevin are swishing down the slopes with Uncle Wayne in California. As I sit at my computer staring at my Excel spreadsheets and surrounded by gloomy Vancouver weather, I'm trying not to be jealous.

A shout out to Leah! As she heads back to the East coast to spend Christmas with her family and friends, I wish her a safe flight. And she knows, that if she gets lonely when she gets back...she can always come over. (I like her cuffs.)