A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Friday, November 24, 2006

As American as apple pie...

I'm still alive...haven't been shot by a gun-totin' American yet. Kidding...all of the Americans that I have met thus far have been quite nice, gun-totin' but nice nonetheless.

Highlights of my time here so far include:
1) New furniture! It has all arrived and it is LOVELY. Save for my bedside table which arrived with one piece of wood that doesn't match the rest of it. I have been meaning to return it for 2 weeks, but have been busy...
2) Election night party. I went with Jeff, this is Frisbee Jon's friend, to a "liberal" bar and watched the Democrats take back the House and the Senate (or conversely, watch the Republicans lose control of the House and the Senate). The bar would erupt in cheers in jeers when the "scoreboard" would flash on the television screen. Leave it up to the Americans to turn politics into a spectator sport.
3) Visit from Leah and Kate. They left Vancouver at 11:30 and arrived at around 5:30 due to traffic and misdirection. Anywho...we had fun. Went up the Space Needle. It is not as tall as the CN Tower, but the view from the top in the evening is quite beautiful.
4) Cocktail party. An excuse to dress up and drink copious amounts of alcohol. Excellent times were had by all. There was more than one drunk Canadian at this party...Will post photos later!
5) American Thanksgiving. I missed out on Canadian Thanksgiving, so I got my dose of turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie yesterday. I even watched about 15 minutes of football before running away to watch Borat. Not surprisingly, I was the only one to eat pumpkin pie. All of the Americans chose apple...you know what they say...
6) I have a Canadian accent. This is something I have always suspected, and I still don't think I can hear it in my own voice. But the fact that many an American have chuckled when I say the words "out" or "about", makes me realize otherwise. Other words that get quizzical looks include: Garborator, keener, 2-4...

So far, my favourite things about Seattle:
1) The Burke-Gilman trail. It's smooth, flat and perfect for rollerblading and seeing some amazing views of Lake Washington and Lake Union.
2) Waterways. Pretty...
3) On a clear day, seeing Mt Rainier.

There's more, but my ride is leaving...

Gobble, gobble.