A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thankful for Change

This was a BIG WEEK!

On Tuesday, I took and passed my Washington State driving test! So now I am a licensed driver! My dad is probably more excited than I am...Now he can brag that I am just as smart as a monkey (because apparently "even monkeys can drive!") The next step is to buy a new car, probably something small and easy on gas. Probably not until the new year, after my knee surgery.

Oh yeah, I'm getting knee surgery on January 8 to fix my torn ACL. I am hobbling a lot on it as it is, and every once in a while it buckles up underneath me (as painful as it sounds). I am hoping to be back in the proverbial saddle by late spring. I like activities that require knees (walking, rollerblading, hiking) and pivoting sports (ultimate, skiing, snowboarding). My doctor found me a physiotherapist right around the corner from my (new) apartment so I can start my rehabilatation within days of my surgery. Until my exercise routine will involve walking (unevenly and slowly) and swimming at the local pool.

I moved into Dave's apartment on Friday! Most of my stuff is still in boxes, so it's looking a little bit chaotic in here right now. I have unpacked the all important things like my clothes, food, and Cutco knives, and have shifted things around in the kitchen cupboards so they are "Jadine-accessible". Day Three of Project Cohabitation, and still getting along... :P Haha! In all seriousness, we don't fight much...like three times in six months...

We have also had some unbelievable weather this Thanksgiving weekend! It has been sunny for 6 days straight and all of the mountains surrounding Seattle have been visible making me feel extremely fortunate to be here. On those dreary grey Seattle winter days, it is easy to forget that I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Time to make dinner...Tonight I will make a stirfry. My wok and all of my sauces are here now! Exciting!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The story of my torn ACL

Last Sunday I was playing ultimate frisbee and I collided with someone taller and faster than me. As we fell, the side of my right knee hit his shinbone. I immediately grabbed my leg and tears sprang to my eyes. I was carried off the field by my teammates and provided with ice. After the game I was piggy-backed off the field, driven home, and piggy-backed up to my house (Thanks Jon!). I worked from home on Monday and Tuesday, hopping around my house and pushing myself up and down the stairs. By Tuesday night I was excited that I was able to put a little bit of pressure on my leg and progressed to a slow hobble. Wednesday and Thursday I ventured into work, tired of being housebound. I was feeling optimistic that I was healing. Dave returned from his business trip to Fort Mac and Edmonton on Thursday night. Unfortunately, that night I woke up with a really bad charleyhorse. At this point, my tight calf muscle is more painful than my knee. Friday morning, Dave drove me to an orthopaedic doctor recommended to me by my housemate Allison. After pullinyg and prodding my knee, he told me that he is 95% sure that I tore my ACL. My heart sank. He said that after the surgery I would not be able to run, hop, or pivot on my knee for 5 months. I guess this means that I will miss out on skiing and snowboarding season this year. Bummer...The silver lining to all this, is that the privatized American health care system has some perks over the Canadian system. As Tim pointed out to me there is a long wait for knee surgeries in Canada. I am getting an MRI tomorrow, and probably my surgery before the end of the year...efficiency unheard of in Canada. Lucky me??