A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Monday, August 15, 2005

The home streeeeeeetch!

So, I only have another week and a half here in Winnipeg. I'm feeling a mixture of excitement, shock, dread and sadness. Excitement because I can see my dad, family and friends in Ontario. Shock because I'm surprised that the summer went by so quickly. Dread because I don't want to have to return to school (and actual work). And sadness because I have actually grown accustomed to life and Winnipeg, and will actually miss the people that I have met here. It was pointed out to me, that I have spent nearly as much time living in Winnipeg as I have in Vancouver...which is really true. And since I had more spare time here, I probably know this place a bit better.

It was surprising to me to me the other day to find myself defending Winnipeg to Eddie when he called the people here "cowboys" and "hicks". It's just that ignorant superior Toronto/Ontario attitude that makes the rest of the country hate us so much. It makes me not want to admit that I'm from there.

It's beautiful here. Not everywhere and all the time, mind you, but when the sun is shining on Winnipeg and the bugs have been fogged to death, it's not so bad. Things that I will miss most about my time in Winnipeg (in no particular order):

- watching the sun rise over the Red river during my early morning rollerblade
- summer festivals
- cheap alcohol
- Mel and Jade and Jenny
- Macy (not when she is being a brat)
- a rigorous yoga schedule and almost being able to stand on my head!
- people watching at the Forks
- Capoeira dancers
- patios on Corydon
- the buzz of dragonflies
- sleeping in
- no homework

Anywho...back to work! I have things to do now. Yay!


At 10:44 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cowboys in Winnipeg? Where is this Eddie fellow from. I've never heard of cowboys in Winnipeg... maybe in Southern Alberta...

Weird how the west makes you realize how snotty the east can be...



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