A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hasta luego Vancouver

Papers are handed in, exams have been written, work has been more or less completed and now all that is left to do is say some goodbyes and pack. At this time on Saturday, I will be on a plane to Winnipeg...crazy, eh? Maybe it doesn't seem quite real yet because I haven't done much in the way of packing. I have, however, made a list...and that is an excellent beginning. I also have dragged one of the Rubbermaid totes that i intend to send to Winnipeg into my room and it is currently half full (or perhaps...half empty?!).

I have discovered a lovely blading route that goes around the perimeter of the university which takes me along cherry blossomed boulevards and sinews next to forests and ocean views. Winnipeg is fairly flat, so me and my blades will be doing some exploring this summer. It's hard to do that here, because you might get stuck staring up (or down) some impossibly steep hill.

I shall head to the beach this afternoon with the Microbiology textbook that I took out from the library. Need to do a bit of review before I arrive in Winnipeg so that I don't look and sound like an nimwit. And where else better to go than the beach!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

That's it, that's all!

I just sent off my last paper to my prof about an hour ago. It feels a bit surreal being done actually. I have been churning out work all semester, nay, all year long...and now I don't have any more schoolwork to do until September. What a relief it'll be to only have to concentrate on work and enjoying my time in Winnipeg! Now, I supposedly have all this time...but I feel a little overwhelmed about what to do with myself.

While I am done my schoolwork, there are a ton of things that I still need to do before I leave, including reading a big 1 1/2 inch stack of articles for this literature review that i am working on. Well, at least they are paying me to do this. I have to pay for the three pairs of shoes that I bought yesterday! Maybe I should start packing...but that's crappy and boring. The weather has been lovely the past couple of days...and I really want to just walk around or go for a blade in the sun. Or even just sit in a coffee shop and read a novel. Catch up on my Macleans. Party. So much to chose from.

Oddly enough, I am finding myself at a loss of words. I must be tired. Maybe sleep is the best option for tonight...