A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Friday, October 01, 2004

Nobody spies on ME!

I have been having some computer problems recently. Somehow this week I got spyware on my computer. It was crashing. And I kept getting directed to Online poker when what I really wanted was to look up BC's Occupational Health and Safety Regulations on pentachlorophenol. Luckily, my oh-so-useful brother (he didn't call himself superkev for nothing) came to save the day. And now I can surf in peace without the fear that someone is out there trying to steal my credit card number...

Nothing too exciting happening this week. Big paper due on Monday. As with most things involved with this program, it isn't HARD it's just a lot of work. Also to be completed this weekend: an abstract that was due Wednesday...yikes. Will do that tomorrow between races. Ah yes and tomorrow is Race day. Which may turn into Race weekend if we end up being any good. I'm tempted to throw the race so that I can get back to work...but I also wouldn't mind seeing a nice trophy in the SOEH student area...hmmm...perhaps I should just stop stressing and do my work so that I can goof off.

You might not hear from me for awhile.
1. Monday paper due
2. Literature review due on Tuesday
3. Calculation assignment Wednesday
4. Journal article to read for Wednesday
5. Quiz on Thursday
6. EDMONTON!!! for thanksgiving. Why Edmonton? My dearest friend in the whole world is there.

Exciting things that I learned this week:
1. Michael Robb is moving to Jasper! Not as close as Whistler, but I still forsee a ski/snowboard vacation in the Rockies in my near future...perhaps I'll stop off on my way home for Christmas...Melissa?
2. The people at Jetsgo are jerks. Don't fly with them.
3. I love my fleece pants, and I love that I can wear them in public here and not feel like a pariah.
4. I'm either getting in worse shape, or that hill up to school has gotten steeper.
5. Double Bubble fun fact: Lobsters have 10 legs.
6. If a substance is released into a closed room, the concentration of that substance will increase over time much like the concentration of a drug increases in your body after you take it. Science...gotta love the connections.
7. The occupational exposure limits set by the ACGIH are bunk...so disappointed. Just let me at them and I'll set them properly!

It's possible that the last two points went way over all over your heads, but that just goes to show how obsessed I am right now. Did you ever notice how Jadine rhymes with Hygiene. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Pentachlorophenol, its adverse health effects and its occupational exposure limit are waiting to get written about. I'm excited about setting an occupational exposure limit for the mixture too...Procrastination...fun...

I think I failed to mention that our longboat team is called the Contaminants. Not only are we paddling machines, but we are also quite witty!

P.S. Superkev's blog has a poll. And links. I'm not that talented. I don't even know how he got those faces in his text...All you get is me...uncut, uncensored. Maybe I will change the font, or the colour...


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