A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Monday, August 22, 2005

End of days...

So...my last weekend in Winnipeg, sigh.

Friday, I went out for lunch on Corydon (Winnipeg's answer to Little Italy) for my friend Michelle's farewell lunch. The weather cleared up just in time for us to enjoy a relaxing and laughter-filled patio lunch at Saffron's. I had a delicious veal sandwich with grilled red peppers and zucchini and melted feta cheese, and salad with raspberry vinaigrette. Afterwards we went to Nucci's for gelati. The mango and coconut flavours were both quite delectable...I could feel actual pieces of coconut!

Didn't do much of anything in the evening as my plans fell through and instead enjoyed conversations with Jean and Eddie on MSN.

Saturday, I rollerbladed out to Assiniboine park. Happily, it only took 50 minutes and not the hour and a half that Rob was predicting. This park is really beautiful. Winnipeg's answer to Stanley Park but with smaller and less red trees, more bike paths, a locomotive, a zoo instead of an aquarium, and a duck pond. When I was there a month ago, we saw a deer on the side of the road! Unfortunately, by the time I got there, I was exhausted and the sky had turned an ominous dark grey. So I quickly bladed over to a bus stop and hopped a bus to Mel's house. Once there, we sat around chatting, went to see a little house she was contemplating buying, and watched the Upside of Anger. The movie was slightly interesting...but definitely glad I waited for it to come out on video. In the evening, Mel and I went to dinner at LuxSole, a restaurant located essentially at the end of my street, and voted as the best restaurant in Winnipeg. It was excellent. The menus, glued onto old record covers, had some quite unique entries. I had lamb chops with sweet potato (or was it yam??) and corn mash, and a spinach salad with mandarin oranges, toasted almonds and (you guessed it) raspberry vinaigrette. Afterwards we went back to Mel's for a few drinks and waited for Jenny to join up with us. She was at another party and so couldn't make it to dinner. Then we went to the infamous Palomino bar. The best description I can come up with for this place is saloon turned niteclub (rather unsuccessfully). The sign out front has a rearing (Palomino?) horse on it, there was a set of swinging saloon-type doors (just like in a Western movie), and a half-dozen girls wearing cowboy hats. This bar has the reputation of hosting a lot of cougar on 19-year old boy action...and it didn't disappoint, although it was less rampant then I had expected. Other downsides to this place include: the nearly 2 hour wait to get in, slightly above-average drink prices by Winnipeg standards, and shameful favouritism to firefighters, cops and paramedics who get to go in the backdoor and bypass the line and cover charge. One of the highlights of my night at the "Pal" was dancing with a real-live Mountie who was sadly out of uniform. There were other highlights, but those are unmentionable in this type of forum.

On Sunday, as Mel was experiencing a debilitating hangover (we've all been there...) I took the bus home. In the afternoon, I went and took a photo of my favourite "Bear on Broadway" and the legislature building. I did enough packing to remember how much I hate packing. I'm trying to clean out my food from the cupboards and the fridge so meals are getting less and less exciting. Last night was no exception; I had "gourmet" Chef Boyardee (i.e. a can of Chef mixed with frozen veggies and parmesan cheese).

This is my last half-week of work. This basically means tying up all the loose ends and making sure that I'm not missing anything crucial for my project, and having farewell lunches.

I fly out to Hamilton this Thursday and then to Vancouver the Thursday after that, so this is likely the last you will hear from me in a while. I intend to pull apart my computer tonight and pack up all the pieces...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I double dog dare ya!

Macy and Gemma 2
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
For the past two days Gemma (right) has been visiting her sister Macy (left). Aren't they cute? Gemma belongs to Rob's sister. I took about half a dozen photos of furry grey blurs before I got them to stay still by holding a nacho chip in my left hand and snapping the photo with my right. Dog critics may think that these animals have no personality, but they do! Macy is intelligent, sneaky, hyper and the leader of the two dogs. Gemma is polite and calm, but not as "with it" as Macy.

St. Boniface Cathedral from across the Red river

Cathedral far
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
This is the same cathedral that I posted a night picture of earlier, but during the day and from the opposite side of the river bank. I think this pathway was deliberately paved so that you walked towards the Cathedral. Isn't it beautiful? This photo was also taken at the Forks.

Forks waterbus dock

Forks waterbus
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
The Forks are one of my favourite spots in Winnipeg. This is where the Red and the Assiniboine rivers converge and it used to be the meeting place for travellers as it was easy to find. Now, there is a nice park, some museums and a market there. Two years ago when Melvyn and I were in Winnipeg, we spent hours sitting on the grass at the Forks enjoying the sunshine and playing cards. This summer I listened to a concert here during the jazz festival. This past weekend I had a Chilean hot dog in the market. It is a chicken hot dog topped with sauerkraut, tomatoes, mashed up avocado and mayonnaise. Sounds a little wierd, but it was delicious...especially if you are an avocado addict like me! Unfortunately the heavy rains that we experienced in May, June and July made the water levels rise so that we could not make use of the waterbus dock. If you look closely, you can see where they had to re-sod the grass.

Exchange district

Exchange district 2
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
The weather last Saturday was perfect for walking around and seeing some of my favourite places in Winnipeg. The Exchange District was the business centre of Winnipeg in the early 1900s when they would trade grain for other goods. The architecture is unique and well-preserved. I don't know enough about architure to be able to talk about it intelligently, but I like old buildings. And this is no camera trick (not that I know any), this building (name unknown) is actually curved like that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Last minute addition...

And I will miss Brendon...sorry B! Why? Because he does the best damned imitation of a brown guy I've EVER seen!

Stay tuned because coming soon...things I WON'T miss about Winnipeg.

Monday, August 15, 2005

The home streeeeeeetch!

So, I only have another week and a half here in Winnipeg. I'm feeling a mixture of excitement, shock, dread and sadness. Excitement because I can see my dad, family and friends in Ontario. Shock because I'm surprised that the summer went by so quickly. Dread because I don't want to have to return to school (and actual work). And sadness because I have actually grown accustomed to life and Winnipeg, and will actually miss the people that I have met here. It was pointed out to me, that I have spent nearly as much time living in Winnipeg as I have in Vancouver...which is really true. And since I had more spare time here, I probably know this place a bit better.

It was surprising to me to me the other day to find myself defending Winnipeg to Eddie when he called the people here "cowboys" and "hicks". It's just that ignorant superior Toronto/Ontario attitude that makes the rest of the country hate us so much. It makes me not want to admit that I'm from there.

It's beautiful here. Not everywhere and all the time, mind you, but when the sun is shining on Winnipeg and the bugs have been fogged to death, it's not so bad. Things that I will miss most about my time in Winnipeg (in no particular order):

- watching the sun rise over the Red river during my early morning rollerblade
- summer festivals
- cheap alcohol
- Mel and Jade and Jenny
- Macy (not when she is being a brat)
- a rigorous yoga schedule and almost being able to stand on my head!
- people watching at the Forks
- Capoeira dancers
- patios on Corydon
- the buzz of dragonflies
- sleeping in
- no homework

Anywho...back to work! I have things to do now. Yay!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Jade at the Pits

Jade at the Pits
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
Another photo of Jade...How can I not love a dog that has nearly the same name as me?!

Jade and Mel at the Pits

Jade and Mel at the Pits
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
Mel is one of the coolest people I have met in Winnipeg. And her dog is really cute too, but incredibly powerful. I have gotten many a rope burn from her leash and my shoulder has been thrown out of whack from playing tug of war with her.

Prairie land

Prairie land
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
This is the road we take to get to the Pits. Isn't it spectacularly flat?

Taiko drumming at the Japanese pavillion

We were sitting pretty far back, so it was hard to get a good photo...but the drumming was amazing and super powerful. I also took a video, that came out a lot clearer.

Brendon drinking Delirium tremens (Belgian beer)

Oops...slightly out of order. Here is Brendon (my roomate) drinking a beer at the Belgian pavillion. Possibly the prettiest beer bottle I have ever seen.

On the Provencher bridge

On the Provencher bridge
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
On the viewfinder of my camera this photo looked a lot clearer. It was a cool idea anyway...like a windmill.

Provencher bridge with downtown Winnipeg backdrop

Possibly the best nighttime photo I have ever taken. This is a really cool bridge. Some people think it looks like a penis. I think it looks like a rocket.

St Boniface Cathedral

St Boniface Cathedral
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
This is such a gorgeous cathedral. It looks so mystical at night. Sorry this is the best I can do...

Dancing at the Belgium Pavillion

Dancing at the Belgium Pavillion
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
This was the best dance they did all night. The rest were all very stiff. The dancing at this show was in great contrast with the dancing from the Caribbean pavillion which we went to afterwards. Sorry no pictures of that one as it was so dark in there.

German pavillion (before they kicked us out)

This photo was taken from the balcony of the German society of Winnipeg. The place had no windows!

Gypsy dancing at the Ukrainian pavillion

These guys were so much fun! A dance troupe called Zorya from Thunder Bay.

Monday, August 08, 2005

We put the RAMA in Folklorama

So this past week and for the next week, it is Folklorama time in Winnipeg. Which means there is lots of weird food and entertainment to be experienced all over the city. This past weekend, we (Brendon and I) went to 4 pavillions: Ukraine, Germany, Belgium and Carribean. Here are some fond (and some not so fond) memories in point form (sorry, only one hour to write)...

- Entertainment: Very colourful dancing by a troupe from Thunder Bay. Due to the different regions of the Ukraine we got to see some very different styles of dancing, from Russian-style Kossack dancing to gypsy, to a style that looked almost like Scottish Highland dancing.
- Food: Because there are so many Ukrainians in Winnipeg, we had high hopes for the food. The cabbage rolls were slightly disappointing, but the borscht (beet and vegetable) soup was delicious as was the fried buckwheat. Brendon tells me the perogies were better than the Safeway ones.
- Beverages: Ukrainian beer called Lviv, and Golden Lion cocktail. The beer was good (very smooth) and the cocktail was forgettable.

- Entertainment: Pretty lame compared to German pavillion. But the hall in which the show took place was really nice. Felt like we had been transported to a Bavarian Inn. We got kicked out of the Hall by an 80-year old security guard because we ordered food after and not before the show (how were we to know). Brendon nearly got into a brawl with the guy...Man, Germans are such hard-asses for the rules...they should lighten up a bit...
- Food: Schnitzel, rouladen (rolled beef), red cabbage, mashed potatoes, and sauerkraut. Overall impression -- cold and bland. Possibly cold because I had to wait 20 minutes to eat it while Brendon was giving old guy a hard time.
- Beverages: Dab beer (nothing to write home about)

- Entertainment: Stiff but funny dancing that seems to celebrate work being finished on the farm. Music with a sense of humour. Pot fredecken = Belgian version of the Canadian "eh?". Belgian bowling --> apparently my true calling. Brendon on the other hand should probably stick to baseball.
- Food: Always adventurous when it comes to food I tried blood sausage and head cheese. I'm not sure what's in them, and I probably don't want to know...but they taste pretty good. Especially the Blood sausage. I'm pleased to have gotten to blood sausage before Kevin! Also lacy cookies and spice cookies, and beer stew.
- Beverages: An assortment of beers including Chimay (very strong and made by trappist monks...go figure), Delirium Tremens (sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but actually a damn tasty beer), Bellevue Kriek (a cherry flavoured beer, which I still maintain tastes like the red Triaminic cough syrup), Cafe au Godiva (coffee with a shot of yummy white chocolate liqueur).

- Entertainment: the Ebony Vibe (A Winnepegan dance troupe), steel drum band and a limbo dancer brought in from Barbados. She limboed under a pole of fire holding two flaming torches! Obviously higher budget performance than the other three shows.
- Food: Pelau (rice and beans and chicken), roti, jerk chicken wings
- Beverages: rum punch and Carib beer

Tonight I am going with my friend Mel to the Japanese pavillion. I miss sushi very much...so this should be good.

Other exciting things that are happening:
- Mel and I and Jade (her dog) have been to the Pits twice. The Pits are gravel filled pits that have been filled with rainwater. Like our own private beach...nice relaxing way to spend a Saturday
- Last weekend went to a karaoke stagette with Mel. Also lots of fun. Her friend Darla made some yummy food, including these very decadent and creamy crab stuffed mushrooms. Unfortunately we left before the lobster dip came out.
- I have picked my courses for this year. Looks like it will be busy but less stressful than last year...Youpee!
- I started writing my report for my summer project...it's a bit slow to get going though...
- I only have 2 and a half weeks left in Winnipeg...man time flies when you are having fun...Looking forward to going home for a week's holiday before I head back to Vancouver for school. Can't wait to see Dad's new bathroom and Uncle Kenny and Paule's new floors. They both sound very chic! Mmm...and the infamous Thom family dumplings. It's time to grease the gears on the Dumpling Machine!

I will upload my photos onto my blog when I get home. There will be photos from Folklorama, the Pits and random night-time (experimenting) shots of Winnipeg.