A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Road Warrior

I just called ICBC, the provincial licensing and driving insurance institution. (Cue cheers and screams of horror.) Apparently, as I have had my Ontario G1 for more than a year, I can transfer my "time" to my BC learner's license and I am now eligible to take the road test. But, I still have to take the knowledge test for the learner's again. And judging from the practice test available on their web site, this test is slightly more difficult than the Ontario one. I only got 18/25, but need 80% to pass. So, I guess I will have to do some studying first before I hit the road. So, you are still safe to walk around. Don't hide in your homes yet!

In other exciting news, I have been applying to jobs. Because I know you are all wondering, I am not limiting myself to any particular location. But, there seem to be more jobs available in Ontario than anywhere else in the country.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

New year, New Jen(n)

I got a new roomate yesterday whose name so happens to also be Jen. But she only spells it with one N. So, similar enough but not the same. She is not from Texas, but is rather from a small town in the interior of BC called Castlegar. I had never heard of it before today, but it sounds pretty. It looks like it would be more of a tourist destination for me than a place to live given the population size of 7000...probably very sleepy. :) Anywho, Jen is quite nice (as far as I can tell) and she speaks very quickly given her origins. She is in her fourth year in English Lit at UBC, specializing in Medieval Studies. She also has a cool white streak in her hair which makes her look a bit like the character Rogue from the X-men. This is probably not deliberative. She doesn't seem the type to read science fiction comic books.

We now have a wireless router, so I now have 2 less wires running through my room. Better less than more I suppose!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Opening Pandora's box

I read about Pandora.com last night in my Macleans and checked it out a few minutes ago. It's very, very cool. Just type in the name of a song or artist, and you will get a stream of similar music.

Guerre des tuques

Guerre des tuques
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
I finished my hat/tuque/toque last night. Now i have a matching set of hat, mittens and scarf (not shown). Not too bad for completed knitting projects 3-5!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Happy New Year

New Years 004
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
The club was packed and very very hot, as can be seen from the beads of sweat on our faces. Yup...THAT's attractive...

Coasting through life

Kev and Arran
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
My brother Kevin and cousins Arran and Jen (hiding behind the bowl) receiving gifts from Santa.

Dumpling machine

Dumpling machine
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
Ahh...yes. The dumpling machine in operation. The vultures are already circling, waiting for the tasty treats...I lay out the skins, wet the edges with egg and lay the finish product on a platter. Dad spoons out filling and wraps. And Kevin is the Fry Guy. At Christmas, we made 2 batches for 16 people. Then we made two single batches in Hamilton for just the three of us...Yeah, that is a lot of dumplings!

Our dumpling patriarch

Dumpling dad
Originally uploaded by Jadine.
The one who started it all. He IS the dumpling king and he's even got an apron to prove it!

The green, green grass of home

Well, I have just returned from a long and relaxing trip home. I think I was so disillusioned in the summer because my trip was so rushed. This time around I had more time and it was much more enjoyable. I won't go through the whole thing day by day, as that could get really boring. Here are some highlights:
- Sleeping, lots and lots of sleeping. Sometimes until 11-11:30.
- Dumplings, lots and lots of dumplings.
- Christmas in Pickering, as usual. Lots of laughs, lots of food.
- Apartment hunting in St Catherines with Melissa.
- Getting Dad addicted to Sudoku. He'll probably laugh when he reads this, provided he is not still trying to beat my 3:48 record.
- Touring Kevin and Lyndsey's new house.
- New Year's Eve with Jean at Tonic
- Raucous round of UNO at Tarek's. There was broken furniture!
- K-OR-EE-AN food in K-OR-EE-AH town
- Dim sum with Maureen, Randy and (his girlfriend) Tanya
- Catching up on my Macleans
- Reading Lost in Translation in 3 days. I just read the movie synopsis. As suspected following discussions with Jean who has actually seen it, the two only share the same title. The book is set in China while the movie is set in Japan.
- Conquering the double-pointed knitting needles and making a pair of mittens and a scarf. Starting a hat. Not that it's cold enough to need one but, nice to have the matching set. I nearly poked my eye out in the process. They are pretty dangerous.
- Seeing a mouse darting around the tables in Amatos (pizza place). Not shocking, but awfully disappointing/disgusting. I debated leaving, but my pizza (Spinaci) was soooo tasty. Best pizza ANYWHERE!

As for resolutions, mine are pretty mundane. You know, eat healthier, exercise more, start career, buy house, buy dog, find someone to love (and who'll love me back).

I thought I had more to say...but I think I'm tired of sitting at my computer. Here...look at the pretty pictures.