A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Monday, February 27, 2006

We have lost contact

On Friday, I accidentally flushed my contact lens down the bathroom sink. This is probably the second time this has happened. It's like watching 100 dollars go down the drain. Stupid astigmatism, stupid expensive gas permeable lenses.

I'm seriously considering getting laser eye surgery. I think the doctors have now perfected their technique, although the idea of having lasers shot at my eye is a bit disturbing. Hmmm...maybe next time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

L is for learner

I am now a proud owner of my first piece of British Columbian ID, a learner's driver's license! I passed the knowledge test with flying colours, with a score of 93%. My package came with a giant letter L, presumably to post on my car and not on my forehead.

I have also signed up for driving lessons with Young Drivers. My first lesson is on Friday from 12:15 to 1:45. (This is a warning to all Vancouverites to be particularly attentive of traffic at that time...) I haven't driven a car in about 9 years, and I wasn't really very good at it then, so now I am even more nervous...

The good news is that because I have already had a G1 in Ontario for about 2 years, I can take my road test whenever I'm ready and don't have to wait the one year to upgrade to the N license. (N is for novice...not Nerd.)

Other than that, nothing else is new. I have not heard back from GSK about the job yet, but I expect to hear something soon.

Hi Dad! (He is in Vietnam, buying me a pair of silk pyjamas. ;) )

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Jobs (yes, plural)

Today I had my first interview. It was with GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical company located in Mississauga. I think it went well, and of course this would be an excellent job for me for several reasons:
- I will have a permanent location for 18 consecutive months
- Back to Ontario --> back to my family and friends
- GSK has an excellent reputation, both as a profitable company and as a good employer
- I wouldn't have to move to (capital C) Conservative Alberta to work for some money-grubbing, environment-ruining oil and gas company
- I can't foresee a more desirable job coming up in the next couple months
- I can't think of any reason NOT to take this job.

However, I have also been offered a job working on a project with one of my profs. This will also be a good job, but taking it may also be problematic:
- I get to spend the summer in Vancouver, and will get to travel to different worksites in the BC Interior and Vancouver Island --> apparently summer in Vancouver makes up for the depressing, wet winter and I have yet to experience this
- It will start immediately (part-time) and be full-time from May to end of July --> Positive: If I don't get GSK job, will give me something to do while I wait for something better. Negative: May have to turn down more permanent jobs due to commitment until end of July (low probability).
- This is not a permanent job. It would be nice to have a permanent location...It would be nice to consolidate all of my belongings in one city (or at least in one province).
- This is a SURE thing!

Anywho, point being...I won't hear back about the GSK job for another two weeks, while they interview other candidates. (I HATE waiting...) But, I need to let my prof know ASAP so that we can get started at the end of the month. I think that the interview went well, but it wasn't perfect and they ARE interviewing "many other excellent candidates". What to do??? Any thoughts?