A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I think I'm losing it

Ok...so I had a bit of a nervous breakdown. A combination of being stuck at home studying every night, loneliness, homesickness and general boredom with my life here in Vancouver. A teary conversation with Dad, a phone call to Britta to make plans for tonight (yay! out of the house!), a pep talk from Eddie, and 10 hours of studying have made me feel much much better. And I'm sure perky Britta will cheer me up even more. Tentative plans for tonight include PCB-free wild salmon (ie. sushi) on Broadway, maybe a mindless movie. Hopefully this will rejuvenate me to do more studying afterwards. I have made 2 lovely charts already today...hmmm...halogenated hydrocarbons...liver damage, CNS depressants, ozone depleting, carcinogenic, reproductive toxicant, greenhouse gases, lipid peroxidation...whew...my head is full...time to fill my tummy!

Oh! I got MY photos back from Garibaldi Lake, Longboat and Edmonton. Turns out I can take some pretty good photos. I will get them scanned and post them. Myss, your copies are on their way. The ones of the horses made me laugh out loud! I have also sent out some photos to Erin, Maureen and Paule. Does anyone but Melissa even read my blog anymore?


At 7:44 p.m., Blogger Melissa said...

Hey Jadine
Well - you can guarantee that I read it! Lucky you! I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures. Are they coming to me here in Edmonton? I'm heading to Saskatchewan next week - cool, never been there, but this guy that i just went out with last night is from there... he says its kind of boring. so not much to look forward to I guess. Hope you enjoy your night, like you should, and I wish I could give you a BIG hug to make you feel better.
Miss you babe! Smile and enjoy your night!

At 7:46 p.m., Blogger Melissa said...

Hey Jadine
I just posted you a comment, but apparently I got kicked off mid-posting it, so maybe you'll even get 2 comments from me. But I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures you sent me - are they coming to me here in Edmonton? I'm heading to Saskatchewan next week, interesting interesting... get to see all the landfills all across the Country - lucky me! Actually, I love it! I wish I could come to Vancouver to give you a hug, and I hope you have a wicked night tonight, like you always deserve to have. Miss you babe!

At 7:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jay!

Was checking to see how you were these days. (yes, believe it or not, but people are reading your blogger)
And what do I hear? You're having a nervous breakdown.
I thought things were going well for you on the West-side?

Should have told me earlier that you were in such dire straits as I would have made plans for an extra trip out to "the couve" to see you. But unfortunately I've already booked tickets to fly out to Toronto in two weeks for Erin's belated birthday and will be spending the weekend there.
Perhaps next time? And knowing me, "next time" is never that far away.

And as for working yourself into an early grave.
It's not recommended. So stop doing it.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Take it easy for a bit, Jay. Relax.

And remember, if you don't occaionslly stop to smell the flowers, then you'll eventually forget how sweet smelling they are. And when you get to that point, what sort of life would that be to live? One devoid of such pleasures.

Hmmm, yeah...you know what I mean.

Anyway, feel better and gimme your number so I can call you now and then for a chat. It can sometimes get mighty lonely here too in London.



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