A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Monday, May 16, 2005

Today, at least, I heart Winnipeg

Maybe it's because the weather is improving. Maybe it's because I had an interesting (but long and exhausting) day at work. Maybe it's because I will get to try on a containment suit this week. Maybe it's because I found a gorgeous rollerblading route today. But, today, I am feeling the love for this place.

First, the weather. I suspect that it might have reached 18 degrees today. And sunny! No jacket! Very happy. The Bridge Drive-In, the local ice cream shoppe, is positively buzzing with customers. Tomorrow, it may be even warmer!

Today was the first day of a week-long international training workshop that is being held at the Science Centre on Biological Containment. There were people from all over the world there, including Singapore, Germany and Australia. In addition to lectures, they will get to do some hands-on modules. And I get to sit in on some of these modules! Hence, I get to try on a containment suit. This is a suit that covers your entire body head to toe that you wear in a level 4 containment laboratory...think of the movie Outbreak. That will be me! I shall definitely have to get some pictures taken...

Last night I went for my first rollerblade in Winnipeg. I only wanted to go out for about an hour. I neglected to bring a map, thinking that I would trust my intuition, and go for an "adventure". I learned that I have poor intuition. I got lost and by the time I got home after an hour and forty-five minutes, I was tired and my arms were like...well...arm-cicles. But, I saw a lot...and today when I went out after work, I knew which way to go...and I found an amazing route. First I encircle my neighbourhood (known as Riverview), sticking close to the river. Like all of my favourite routes, there is little traffic along this road and the view is quite nice (for Winnipeg). Then I cut back down past my house (this road is a little pitted...not sure why...) to re-find the river (the RED one), past the Bridge Drive In, and into another neighbourhood. This neighbourhood is also really nice. And this route takes me through a golf course, and past some really nice houses, the biggest elementary school I've ever seen and lots of people walking their dogs. Then I have to re-trace my tracks a bit to get home. Takes me an hour. But...darned good fun. (I can't believe this was the longest paragraph...sorry...I'm a nerd...but MY BLADES AND I are very happy!)

Nothing to complain about.


At 7:44 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jay
Sounds like you had a great time on your rollerblades. I wish I could get out and do some rollerblading here, but its raining in Edmonton! Yuck! I'm gonna ask my boss if he's sending me to Winnipeg sometime soon. At least then I'd have someone to hang out with on my nights off.
Miss you! -Myss


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