A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy West-er (I mean East-er)!

It's funny not being home today...I have been trying to call my dad all afternoon but I keep getting a busy signal. Strange. Hmm...I wonder what they are eating tonight, and who is going to be there. I feel like I am missing out. It's a bit sad...sigh...holidays...It's not that we are particularly religious in the Thom household (or at all religious for that matter). But Easter has always been an excuse to make (and eat) lots of food with loved ones. It's a bit strange not to be there.

But do not worry about me! I DO have plans for tonight. I am going to Britta's aunt and uncle's house in North Van for dinner. Should be fun. Apparently they often take in "strays" like Britta and myself who are without home for the holidays. Gosh...I probably should have bought them something...Ugh...I feel like a bad guest...

So, what have I been up to. Apart from the usual studying and trying to keep my head above water not a whole heck of a lot.

Things seem to be shaping up for my move to Winnipeg. I have been corresponding with some people via who may just let me move into their places for the summer. Rent is much cheaper than it is here and in Toronto. I'm looking at about $350 for a fully-furnished shared accomodation including utilities (phone, hydro, internet) and living in the Annex/Kitsilano equivalent (so I gather) neighbourhood in Winnipeg (which I guess is Osbourne Village). And if I get it without having to travel there first...all the better. It's the beauty of this technological age...bringing the world closer together.

Speaking of a small world...I ran into this guy on the bus the other day who worked at Marche with me a couple of years ago. We weren't really that close, but his OFSAA shirt caught my eye. He was pleased that someone out here new what OFSAA is...AND, I am at the point where I know enough people that I am running into them at sushi restaurants. (Of all the sushi restaurants, in all of Vancouver, you had to waltz into mine...) Funny that.

Ooohh...and to celebrate birthdays and no school on Friday we went out on Thursday night to this club downtown. I use the term club very loosely...perhaps lounge is more appropriate. Nothing like a club you'd see in downtown Toronto anyway. The bathrooms at Devil's Martini are probably bigger than this whole place! Anyway...it was 80's night. So we got dressed up. (See the evidence of the costumes above.) I got my hair crimped. Fun fun times...

And a big shout out to Paule and UK who for my birthday bought me a ticket to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in April. Not only do I get a healthy dose of classical music (Mozart and Bach piano concertos) to inspire me, but I also get to see it at the Chan Centre. The Chan Centre is a Bing Thom building AND I recently found out that my Acoustics and Vibration prof also had a hand in the design as well. Triplely exciting!

I have no words of wisdom to part you with...so...enjoy your Easter ham/crown roast/turkey/lamb.


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