A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Reading Week - Act II

I went to the airport at 8:30 in the morning to pick up Melissa. Came back to the apartment for a bit, and then we went to Kits for sushi (what else?) and shopping. We each bought a pair of "bitch boots" from the Shoe Warehouse. Mine are burgundy and very cool...they may bump out my moo mitts from second place in my list of favourite articles of clothing. (Red jacket still tops the list.) They even fit over my calves (requires quite a bit of coaxing). Happy day. Melissa enjoyed her sushi much more than dad, but in general she is easier to please. I made curry for dinner. We had a SOHO martini and then went to Lou's to meet up with some friends of hers from Queens. I had a couple of caesars which i had been craving all week. And some sugary long island iced teas.

Woke up early and did some work/blog writing while I waited for Melissa to wake up. She finally emerged at about noon. We walked down to the beach and enjoyed the sea breeze, the dogs frolicking in the sand and the sand in our shoes. Had some curly fries at the sailing club. Why is it that fries taste so much better when you curl them??? Hmmm...something to ponder. Showed her my 'hood. Bought a cute pendant from a store on 10th that is shaped like a martini glass. Cute. Melissa bought a watch and a used book. Bought some coffee from the Starbucks and headed home for an early/quick dinner of perogies and salad. Britta came over at around 6 pm and we had a quick drink before heading to Melissa's friend Rebecca's house. Drank some yummy Spanish wine, and chatted with the room full of Queens grads...6 of us in total headed down to the Blarney Stone. Fun place. 2 for 1 shooters upstairs. My favourite was the Butterball which contained Baileys, Butterscotch liqueur and banana liqueur. I'm convinced that these things were milked down though, because I had about 4 of these things and I didn't feel drunk at all. But mmm...tasty. I also met a boy who seemed refreshingly gentle and genuine. I will likely call him later this week when I work up the courage/find the time.

Today we went to Stanley Park and enjoyed the sunshine, and we weren't the only ones. Lots of people out blading and biking and running through the park. For a change of pace, walked back along Robson and watched all the pretty people buying pretty things. We went for Vietnamese food and then she left for the airport.

Now, I am enjoying some alone time. Doing some laundry and trying to motivate myself to do some reading. Back to school tomorrow...groan. Should be a looooooooooong week.

Rib update: Apparently there is nothing they can do about broken or cracked ribs except advise you to wait for them to heal. Mine still are are noticeably uncomfortable but not increasing in discomfort. (Jiggin' it up at the Blarney Stone and the giant bear hug that I got probably didn't help.) Regardless, I think I can hold out until Tuesday when I have some time in the afternoon to go to the clinic on campus...maybe get an X-ray to see how bad it is and an estimate of how long they will take to heal. Melissa's mom cracked her ribs and it took 6 months to heal. (Aack!!)

OOh...got a postcard from Kevin yesterday. Thailand is pretty...


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