A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Monday, January 24, 2005

Days when the rains came...

Well, the unusually cold days and the snow are now gone. To be replaced with unusually warm and wet weather. It rained practically every day last week. I misplaced my umbrella, bought a new one which broke within one day, replaced it, and then found my old umbrella. Now I have two! It's supposed to rain every day this week too. Sigh...but the flowers are blooming in my backyard! (See above for photo.)

What is happening? Not a whole heck of a lot.

The weekend before last I went to two parties. Friday night was my friend Elizabeth's birthday party...wild times. Note to all: Jacob's Creek Merlot...bad, bad wine...tastes and smells like butt. (Not kidding.) Salvageable when mixed with 7-up or ginger ale. Saturday night I went to a potluck. I made baby quiches in muffin tins...mmm...Someone also brought a portable karaoke machine. Yay fun! I scored 92 on my rendition of Stevie Wonder's I Just Called to Say I Love You. Yes...they do score you, but I suspect that it's based on whether you are singing something into the microphone when you are supposed to rather than the quality of your singing. So, I will not put too much stock into singing as my career goal. Better off sticking with this hygiene gig.

As for school...I found out that one of the job postings for the summer is at GlaxoSmithKline (a pharmaceutical company) in Mississauga. While I ideally want to stay in Vancouver for the summer, working for GSK would be pretty cool, and my friend Juliana from my undergrad currently works there as a hygienist too. So...maybe I will be back in Ontario for the summer! Better than being stuck in Kitimat, BC I suppose.

Work is starting to build up. Nothing due this week, but lots of meetings, labs, and things to prepare for next week. Things that I am working on: a literature review on Ultrasound for my Noise course, counting and identification of asbestos fibres, problem sets, homework blah blah blah.

Saturday night went out for dinner at Boston Pizza with Britta to help her celebrate her birthday. I had a Thai Chicken pizza. It was yummy, but I was still hungry when we left. We also rented some movies. Watched "The importance of being Earnest" with her that night. Yesterday I watched "Pumpkin" and tonight I shall watch "Italian for Beginners".

Ok...off to take photos of the flowers.


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