A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Last week!

Thank goodness...only 5 things left: 2 exams, 3 papers...the end is nigh!!

Not a whole lot of exciting this week.

Monday: Found out I didn't get the job. Depressing. But whatever...there will be others, maybe better ones? Also, trip to the Burnaby incinerator where they burn 16% of the GVRD garbage. Stinky...but, a really good tour.
Tuesday: Presentation day. Two Powerpoint presentations later...still alive
Wednesday: I thought the incinerator was bad, but no...the sewage treatment plant was much much worse. I feared I would vomit. And I was wearing ear plugs so I couldn't hear half of what was going on. It was like being dragged from one stinky pit to another...
Thursday: Oh...boring day...making poster...Safety was surprisingly interesting though.
Friday: Last day of classes. Joy. We presented our posters. Then went out for a long lunch at the Pit. Did a bit of work. Then wine and cheese party. SOEH now has art on display...fun times, good food, drunken faculty dancing...what a gas.
Saturday: Studying, groceries, Bridget Jones' Diary and 7-layer mocha buttercream cake. (Yes...this was the best part of my week)
Today: More studying intermingled with naps...don't know if I can make it through this week before going insane.

Sorry if I have been snippy to anyone on MSN today...but when I am labelled as "Busy", I likely am busy...and don't have time to talk. Otherwise I would be "Online" or hiding in "Away" mode. I reserve "Busy" for the truly busy moments.

It feels like midnight...why is it only 8 pm?


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