A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, November 28, 2004

I wish I could fast forward 2 weeks

Ok...crunch time. Tired...Bored...wish so much that it were two weeks from now.

Last week...

Monday and Tuesday: Feel like ages ago. Nothing too exciting...reading...preparing for paper writing...
Wednesday: Class and reading all day. At night met up with Lloyd and we went for Mexican. It's no Hernando's Hideaway...but whatcha gonna do...this is Vancouver and you should really be eating sushi.
Thursday: Interview with SHAPE (Safety and Health in Arts Production and Entertainment). Want to get a job there for the summer. Should find out this week (maybe tomorrow) whether or not I get the job...
Friday: Jenn's birthday. We went out to this place called DV8 for a late night meal. I had a burger with apples and almonds on it...sounds pretty crazy...but so yummy. Homefries were good too. Then went out to freaky Club 23 for dancing. Geez...you know you are in Vancouver when you are surrounded by dreadlocks and it reeks of pot. Scary people downtown. Got home at 4 am. Did a bit of homework. Went to bed at 4:45 am.
Saturday: Forced myself to wake up early, approximately 8:45 am (felt guilty about not getting much work done the night before). Dragged myself off to school so that I wouldn't crawl into bed and remain there the whole afternoon. Worked until 6:30 pm then went to Lloyd's to watch a movie (Envy with Ben Stiller and Jack Black) Not a great movie but could have been considerably worse had it not been for my two favourite comedians...
Today: Worked...got a lot done actually. Tired though. Got a call from my favourite Aussie, Victor. He might be coming to visit in Feb...fun! Heard some gossip about Tarek breaking up with his gf (aww...) and Melvyn may be coming to Vancouver (yikes!).

For this week...

Monday: Field trip to the Burnaby incinerator and preparing presentations
Tuesday: Presentation in 503 on my final project (not yet complete but the ideas are floating around in my head), Presentation in Tox and hand in Aflatoxin paper
Wednesday: Field trip to the sewage treatment plant, maybe skipping Research in Progress (but they are serving food...)
Thursday: Last Safety class!! Work on poster.
Friday: Poster presentation for 501. Ours is going to be the prettiest...colour co-ordinated, nice layout...I like doing this kind of thing...



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