A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, November 07, 2004

5 weeks left!

The semester has just flown by, and the next month should definitely prove to be the worst:
- 3 exams
- 4 major assignments
- 3 less than major assignments

Cannot wait, but still sticking to my schedule, lest I go insane: work-out mid-week and one weekend night off. The rest of the time...nose to the grindstone.

Perhaps the most exciting development of this week is that I may get a job! And a scholarship! The job is doing research for the entertainment industry on the toxicity of the paints they use for their props and then searching for alternatives. It's in Vancouver (their head office is at Granville and Broadway -ish), the pay is really good (if you include the NSERC scholarship) and if I get it, then it means that I don't have to work at some oil and gas company for the summer! The only problem is, that two other students are interested in it as well. I think my chances are pretty good considering my background relative to their backgrounds (Kinesiology and Forestry). But we'll see. The interviews are on Nov 25, so I should know by Christmas.

Handed in two assignments this week: one on ventilation systems (eugh!) and one on statistics (double eugh!). This weekend I am working on my Toxicology paper on Aflatoxins. Anything that has the word "toxin" in its name has got to be pretty bad, eh? Well, they contaminate nearly every food source and they cause liver cancer, yikes...

Went to a beginner's yoga class with Britta yesterday morning. The teacher went very slowly so it wasn't as good of a workout as the class i went to last week which wasn't a beginner's class. My shoulders are still hurting. My inner thighs hurt too, but I think that's more from the rollerblading than the yoga. Anywho, I feel VERY Vancouver now, with the yoga. I should buy an overpriced pair of Lululemon pants and wear them to class...

I also had a date last night, and I had a surprisingly good time. I went into it with fears that it would be another Iain situation...but it wasn't that bad. He talks alot, more than me even. But he has interesting things to say. But then again, Iain had interesting things to say at first...and then he kept saying them over and over again...Anyway, so this Lloyd guy is an artist. Not a starving one. But an artist none the less. Good or bad? Not sure...In the very least I can take him to the Chan centre and he can make comments about how its structure is reminiscent of the Victorian-era concert halls with the seats stacked up and encircling the stage. (See...interesting...) But yeah...I'd go out with him again.

Ok...off to write about aflatoxins. Perhaps I can finish this thing by tonight!


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