A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Holiday Blog/Nog

Another year has flown by. Here is the jist of it:

The winter period: January - March --> unemployed but not unproductive

- daily schedule includes working out, scouring Workopolis for jobs, and watching the entire series Forever Knight and Black Harbour sequentially
- once a week would go to cooking class. Learned tons of fun things like how to make pastry, cut an onion (more to it than you think), and bechamel sauce (made some the other night). Forces me to get out of the house at least once a week.
- Victor goes back to Oz. We attempt to replace him with Jerrod the Jerk from Ottawa. The ceiling leaks in his room on his second night in the room. Wacker refuses to do anything. He leaves. We plot our escape from the "crackhouse".
- Erin meets and falls in love with Tim...but then he leaves for Germany. Not without introducing us first to Easy. Men in suits, no cover before 10 (requires a lot of running through downtown streets of T.O.), and cheap (by Toronto standards) beer. And the bathrooms are so swank...
- I hit the quarter century mark. Party was not memorable (or perhaps I'm trying to forget certain elements of it...). Kev drove in from Hamilton...and that was cool to celebrate our birthday together
- Applied to and got into UBC for Master's degree. Takes some pressure off the job hunt.

The Spring Summer period: April to August --> employed but intensely bored with Toronto

- crawled my ass back to Marche to ask for a job. For this dent in the pride, I buy myself a cool red trenchcoat...
- stupid Marche, stupid managers, but fun co-workers and Crush boy
- rainy and cold summer...so glad that I am working out on the patio in a mini-skort. I get weekends off so I can't complain.
- move out of the crackhouse! Adios Wacky Wacker! move into the swimmer house. The girls are great and I have a gi-normous room with a bay window. My ceiling leaks...takes two months to get fixed...but at least it got fixed! And a backyard!
- farewell BBQ in the garden...fun times!! Attempts to clean out liquor cabinet are unsucessful (not for lack of trying on my part).

The Fall Winter period: September to December --> Vancouver! Wet and busy

- turns out grad school is pretty tough. Well lots of work anyway.
- rain in Vancouver is bad but not so bad as slush and windchill (still wearing the red jacket)
- studying, assignments, blah, blah, blah.
- people in my program are fun though. They like to dance, drink and eat. (Work hard, play hard!)
- no love yet...maybe next year...

Happy Holidays!!


At 12:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put. I think that pretty much summed up the year.
Except for the mention of Tyler, who's god-knows-where now because he never writes.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you too, J.
And good tidings, etc.
Would have been nice to see an updated photo though, but beggars can't be choosers, right?



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