A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Have you ever returned to a place you once lived and expected everything and everyone to be exactly as you left them, but then they weren't? That is pretty much how I felt on my recent visit to Hamilton and Toronto. For instance, has Toronto always been so noisy, busy and overpopulated, or did it become more so over the past year? Maybe it's me...maybe somehow over the course of the past year I have changed so much that I can no longer appreciate the big city life. Or maybe it's the city that has changed on me. There certainly were a lot of changes, so maybe we have both changed. But really, we are all changing aren't we? Constantly. We are in this state of flux where we can never, no matter how much we want to, return to where we once were. I'm different now; my view on life and my expectations of it have changed. The city has changed; it's not as I left it. And my friends and family have moved on, seemingly without me. Sure I miss them, and they miss me...but, that time that once was, is gone. I don't mean to sound wistful or sad, although in some cases this is understandable, because change is good. It means we are evolving, becoming better versions of ourselves. Does this make any sense to anyone? Or am I just rambling?

Anywho...I won't go into a lot of detail about my trip home, because most of you were there...so you know what happened. Essentially, there was lots of eating (I don't think I went hungry for the entire 7 days), lots of laughs with friends and family who I haven't seen in a while, and in general good, happy times.

So, now I am back in the 'Couve. I don't have internet at home yet as I am waiting for Shaw Internet to call me back. But, this is not so dire, as I don't have a monitor for my computer yet anyway. I abandonned my big, clunky, old one in Winnipeg and will soon purchase a new, sleek and slim flat-screen monitor. Yay! Other exciting purchases that are in the works: steel-toed boots (OOoooOO), tuition and textbooks.

Jenn and I have moved back into our cosy basement suite. I rotated my bed to give me a different perspective. The result was me waking up very disoriented the other night. The sounds in the house are familiar but they are coming from a different direction now.

Kirsten (formerly my German penpal) is here on vacation with her friend (name forgotten). We went out for sushi last night. I had yam rolls, chopped scallop rolls and California rolls, and edamame. Mmm...so good...

School starts on Tuesday and things will start to get busy soon. Until then I will enjoy what I am predicting will be my last free weekend in 8 months.

Have a good one...


At 1:00 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know what you mean by everything has changed. That's how I felt when I first went home after moving to Edmonton - people, friends, family had totally all changed; nothing was how it was when I left. I mean, don't get me wrong, I too like change, but sometimes you just wish you could go back to the comforts of home and how things were... but I guess its all about growing up. Did I change?? I noticed you had changed when I saw you in Vancouver for February last year.


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