A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Life in Coupledom

I have noticed something really bizarre about Winnipeg, that I am not used to: everyone seems to meet their significant other at a young age and get married. As a result, most of the people my age (at work) are married or are in serious long-term relationships. When I mentioned this to one of my co-workers, she confirmed my suspicions: Winnipeggers (this is what they call themselves) don't get out much, hence don't meet many people, and so just settle for the first "decent" person that comes along. I find this to be at once funny and depressing. Having been already pegged by the Peggers as a Big City girl (despite my reassurances that I am a Hamiltonian), I am shocked by this attitude. Maybe I'm a romantic...but, isn't it better to be alone and dating than settling for someone who is "good enough"?? They claim that there aren't a lot of options in terms of types of people to meet or places to meet them. Maybe I've just been spoiled when living in Toronto and Vancouver in that, when you go to school you are more or less delivered a set of friends that you can pick and choose from. But, I think it goes beyond that. While the people at work are very friendly, I don't know if we will ever get beyond the at work acquaintance relationship that we have going. And, frankly...not sure if I really care. I know that sounds perhaps a little Big City snobby of me...but some of them are such boring homebodies that sometimes during our lunchtime conversations I fear that I may just stab myself with a fork to add a new dimension to the conversation. Case in point, the conversation frequently finds its way to the topic of gardening. While I can appreciate how some people may find gardening to be a relaxing and rewarding hobby...it really just isn't my cup of tea. I have never had a green thumb, and in the very very far away future, when I buy a house and feel the need to garden, I most likely will fill it with plants that can be eaten or that require little attention (especially weeding, daily waterings, fertilizing). Many things that I would much rather do.

So that is my little rant about Winnipeg. See how I managed to limit it to one paragraph! On the upside I have made some friends. Two girls who are in my yoga class: Kelly and Jenny. We went out last night after class for a couple of spontaneous drinks at a patio bar on Corydon - THE (only) place to be in summertime in Winnipeg. Anywho, I think that they are quite fun. And they aren't married. Although one of them (Kelly) is in a serious 5-year relationship. But she has assured me that it will never lead to marriage, which I did find to be strangely comforting even though I have not met the guy. It just reassured me that I have not landed in the Twillight Zone or Bizarro World or another dimension.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to sound cynical. I think marriage is great. And one day I might just do it. But, frankly...at this point in my life I'd rather have a dog. And even that, I think is a pretty big commitment! I apologize if this entry sounds like one of Carrie's columns from Sex in the City.


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