A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Monday, June 06, 2005

Press release

For those of you that haven't heard, there are some exciting things happening at the CSCHAH. Scientists here have discovered a vaccine that is effective at preventing infection from Marburg and Ebola viruses in non-human primates. This may lead to the production of a human vaccine. Marburg to date, has killed hundreds of people in Angola in the ongoing outbreak.

Here is a link to the press release from the Public Health Agency of Canada: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/media/nr-rp/2005/2005_21_e.html

I also nearly failed to mention that I actually went to this press conference. That in itself was an interesting experience.


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