A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sitting on the dog...

I have been charged this weekend with watching the dog while Rob is in Toronto, presumably for Gay Pride weekend. Although the issue of him being homosexual has not been confirmed, the consensus around the house is that he is...not that there is anything wrong with that...

Now, before anyone asks me again how the mosquitoes are, I do believe that they are in fact doing quite well. Well fed at least now that I have moved into town. With the sun arrived the mosquitoes that had spent weeks breeding in the large puddles and overflowing rivers. I get at least one bite a day, sometimes more. Last weekend, I got about 10 bites on my left arm. And the other night while making a salad for dinner (which took 2 minutes max) I got bit 5 times on my feet, the only part of my body not covered by clothing. It's going to be an Itchy and Scratchy summer. I also spent the week at work reading and writing about West Nile virus, which has made me slightly paranoid.

So, what have I been doing with myself??

Well, I can't remember if I mentionned this or not, but I have purchased a yoga mat, and now some yoga music. So now, I can do yoga in the comfort of my own room. I feel myself getting stronger which is quite nice.

Last weekend I went to a jazz concert being held downtown for the Jazz festival. It was great fun. The bands weren't so much jazzy, but rather jazz-inspired. One of them, the New Meanies, sounded just like Dave Matthews band. Also cheap drinks. 4 bucks for a Smirnoff Ice...you'd pay at least 6.50 or 7 bucks plus tip in Toronto or Vancouver... Winnipeg and their cheap booze. The funny thing is that everyone here thinks it is expensive. Apparently a couple of years ago some guy got really drunk and ended up drowning in the Red River. Since then, they have raised the prices, and now people are really mad at that guy for ruining it for everyone. Unbelievable. Anywho, there is another concert this afternoon at the Forks that I will likely go to.

Oh! And I have booked a flight! From Toronto to Vancouver on September 1st. I just need a flight to Hamilton now. But, the price for the Hamilton flight is currently only 20 bucks less than the Vancouver flight, which is a bit ridiculous. But I will likely buy it anyway and get the government to foot the bill (part of my moving expenses). My last day of work will be the 24th of August so I will probably be home starting the 25th. Yay! I have been thinking about dumplings, and dim sum quite a lot this week and am looking forward to it!


At 8:09 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more itchy and scratchy - I was complaining of bites when I was in Ontario and my cousin (a nurse) said to use liquid band-aid on them to stop the scratching - she said sometimes it hurts when you first apply it, but it takes away the itch. It works. I tried it and even in Ontario's muggy humidity, I wasn't itchy. Hehe. - Melissa


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