More lost objects
I swear. There must be something in the air. I have been very absentminded these days. First I flushed my contact down the drain on Friday. Then I nearly lost my necklace down the drain at the gym yesterday morning. And now, worst of all, I have lost my iPod! I suspect it must have fallen out of my pocket on my way to the bus stop yesterday because now I can't find it anywhere! All day I was hoping that I left in on the floor in the hallway, but it wasn't there. I hope someone out there is enjoying my iPod with its ecclectic collection of classical, Quebecois rock and old-timers swing music. Terribly dissappointing but not the end of the world as my computer still holds all of my music. Maybe I will buy myself an iPod mini for my birthday.
Speaking of which, I am having a potluck party for my birthday next weekend. I've been wanting to host a party for a couple of months now. It seems the birthday is more of an excuse. Turning 27. Or, as I like to think of it (because it makes the number seem smaller) 3 to the power of 3. Maybe I will get something pierced/tatooed to commemorate the occasion.
This also means that it is my brother Kevin's birthday is soon too. (We are born on the same day, but different years). I'm not sure what to get him, but after he complained publicly about his distaste for the Christmas present I got him on his blog, the ungrateful jerk may just get a lump of coal, or a gift certificate so he can pick out his own damned present. Maybe it is hypocritical of me to complain on my blog about how he complained on his blog, but he just seemed so clueless about how hurtful he was being. Someone's not as perfect as everyone thinks he is/he thinks he is., gotta love 'em regardless, I guess.
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