A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The hot hot heat of summer

Jesse made me realize last week that it has been a long time since my last (real) post. A lot has happened, but the highlights are:
- I graduated with my Masters of Science from the University of British Columbia. My dad flew out for the event. However, I think that it was just an excuse to eat a lot...crab, sushi, dim sum, congee...all the best things in life...It was great to see my dad. In the past couple of years, since I moved out here, I think we have ironically gotten closer. He has become (slightly) less critical of my actions and almost (dare I say it) supportive. I love my dad!
- I'm now working full-time on a research study at UBC. At the beginning of the summer our office was in the Library Processing Centre, the location of my old department, so in a way it did not feel like anything had really changed. Since, we have moved offices to the Mather hut in the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, so it really does feel like a new and different stage of my life.
- It's finally summer in Vancouver! And now I can finally see why everyone is so crazy about this city. The sun is shining, the beaches are packed, outdoor concerts are plentiful, frisbees are being tossed, patios are full, and the mountains are begging to be hiked. I'm loving it!

More recently, I collided with someone during ultimate frisbee on Wednesday, and now I think my ribs are bruised and my right shoulder is very sore. I am feeling terribly misaligned. Pilates has made me more aware of the symmetry and assymetry of my body.

This weekend, my plan is to stick around the house this afternoon to meet the potential new tenants for my room. My roomate has gone home to Castlegar for the week, so I feel I should meet them to give her some feedback when she gets back. Tonight I'm going for sushi with Britta. I haven't seen her in ages so it'll be great to catch up with her. Tomorrow, I'm going to watch the World Cup final on Commercial Drive, home to many Italian cafes and bars. Apparently this is the hub of World Cup action...especially when Italy plays. They are blocking off the street from car access. Everyone who is in town this weekend is going there! Should be a fantastic party...

Back to the new tenant thing...Having people look at my room is making me think that I should probably figure out what I want to do in September. Truth be told, I'm scared out of my wits to be an adult, to hold a real job. Which is why I'm seriously considering taking some time off after my contract is up in September do do some travelling. Uncle Wayne brought up this idea to me back when I visited him in April. And the more I think about it...the better the idea sounds. Not only because I want to prolong my adolescence but also because this is the best time in my life to do some travelling. There is no rush to work yet. The jobs aren't going anywhere. I'll just put my stuff in storage and be a nomad for a month or two!

And that's the update on my life...


At 3:08 p.m., Blogger Melissa said...

Hey you want to travel too? Where to? I really want to go as well. Let me know your plans, maybe wecan figure something out. I became single to travel, and I haven't really thought muchabout it, maybe because I have no money to travel. Maybe I should just go get a bank loan and do it... hmm but really i would much rather work abroad. But if I don't find a job by September; u may have a wing woman if you want her :)

Miss you,


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