A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Friday, August 25, 2006

Interview with a hygienist

I have two interviews this coming week.

1) Thursday at noon (PST) I have a telephone interview for an Associate Hygienist position at Apotex, a pharmaceutical company based in Toronto. The interview is with an HR person and the hiring manager. As such I expect there to be a lot of behavioural questions. In my spare time (ha!) this week I will have to think of some intelligent, well-constructed, yet unforced answers to the "tell me about a time..." questions. If anyone has any good websites with sample interview questions, that would be helpful please send them my way...

I think we are all well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of moving back to Toronto.

2) Friday I leave at 6:30 am on a bus for Seattle where I will have a longer, slightly more casual, but no less stressful interview for an Industrial Toxicologist position at Veritox, a consulting company in Seattle. As far as I can tell, this interview will be a two parter: part one is a one-on-one interview with Bruce Kelman the head toxicologist at Veritox; part two is a lunch with the other 5 toxicologists on staff. I expect that this interview will be more about my technical expertise and personality fit with the company. I'm not sure what my preparation strategy for this interview should be...If anyone has any ideas???

The nice thing about this Seattle interview is that I get to stay the night in Seattle. I have only been there twice: once with Melvyn during our cross-Canada trip (our ticket also allowed us to visit a couple of American cities), and briefly on my way to Chicago (I flew out of SeaTac). My very brief experiences have led me to believe that it is not as clean, scenic or safe as Vancouver (uh oh, I'm turning into a West Coast snob). But, as far as American cities go, I could do much much worse, and I have promised myself to keep an open mind about it. If this job is as good as I hope it could be, moving to the States may be worth the sacrifice. And I seem to be oddly drawn to American men these days...

Anywho, the night in the hotel will save me from another night's sleep on Jesse and Mark's couch. And Jon is going to contact a friend of his in Seattle who might take me out for a night on the town.

So...busy week to come. Packing, moving out, interviewing and working. Preparing for Thailand is on my mind, but not high on the priority list right now, maybe next week.


At 8:29 a.m., Blogger Melissa said...

Always wear nice shoes! They will look at your feet. I never thought it was a good tip, but in an interview once in Ottawa, they did check out my shoes! Good luck with them. I kind of hope, selfishly that you come back to Toronto... since I'll be here, and you know how much of a fan I am of Ontario :) Miss you, and have a great trip!

At 6:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

...those dang ayemerikans....;)


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