A Canadian in Search of the Emerald City

The intent and purpose of this blog is to inform my loved ones (that's you!) of my comings and goings. While I do love writing and receiving emails, sometimes it just isn't possible to correspond with each of you individually. You may call it "laziness". I call it "proper time management".

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


In reference to Melissa's last comment...That's really funny. I did something very similar with my asparagus last night. I pureed a glaze made out of ginger marmalade, sesame oil, sushi vinegar, salt and pepper. Tossed the asparagus in it, and threw it on the George Foreman (b-day present from Kevin) with some dumplings (yes...EVERYTHING can be cooked on the George). Also cooked up some Japanese soba noodles. Fantastic...Best meal I've made since...Friday, when I made a mushroom and asparagus quiche with creamy smoked gouda. Mouth watering yet??

Other things that are exciting these days (besides eating):

My Ontario Health Card expired in March, but because I had no access to my mail until my dad recently sent my tax receipts, I had no idea. So, now I am without coverage (hopefully the Student Health Service won't clue in) until I apply for the BC Medical Service Plan. Since I have been living in BC for longer than their 2-month waiting period, it should kick in automatically. We have to pay premiums here...bah!

This is the last week of classes. I have 3 exams. A toxicology final (non-cumulative) on the 10th, a take home exam for Occupational Diseases due on the 12th, and my big (scary) comprehensive exam on the 18th. This last one will determine whether they deem me able to graduate and will test me on everything I've learned in the last two years.

The afternoon of the 18th, 2 hours after my comp is over, I fly to Los Angeles to hang out with the celebrities and my Uncle Wayne, his wife and their dog. Apparently there will be a lot of eating (which I look forward to). Maybe I will also do some touristy stuff too, like go to Disneyland, Universal Studios, cruise the stores on Rodeo Drive, go to the beach!

A week later I will come back and start working full-time for my professor. Looking forward to spending the summer in sunny (!) Vancouver.

Speaking of which the sun is shining, so today I will rollerblade out to campus! Paper editing day!


At 10:29 a.m., Blogger Melissa said...

You have to pay premiums in Ontario too... but it won't show up until you do your taxes... which is why I still have Alberta health care while in Ontario...


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